October 2019 Market Speedo


The majority of strata Annual General Meetings are coming up over the next few months presenting an ideal opportunity for strata lot owners to verify that their home owner insurance policy water deductible coverage matches that of the strata corporation’s master building policy and if not advise their insurance broker immediately. 

The BC Strata Property Act requires that any AGM Notice includes a copy of the strata corporation’s insurance policy summary. This summary page will include a notation on what the building’s current water deductible amount is. Depending on any resultant water damage claims filed in the past policy year and the extent of damage, this deductible amount can increase to a staggering amount from the previous year. It is not uncommon for strata’s today to have a deductible in the $50,000 to $100,000 range from the days of when they were $5,000 to $25,000.   READ MORE